Thursday, January 24, 2013

14 Post-Coital Movie Posters You Can't Unsee


1. Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin...BONED.

Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin...BONED.

Can You Guess The Shirtless “Vampire Diaries" Star?

How well do you know the hot bods from "Vampire Diaries"?


  1. 1.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

18 Funny Restaurant Signs

There's just so much more to say than what's on the menu.

1. Signs that aren't scared of critics

Signs that aren't scared of critics

13 Reasons Why Nice Guys Are The Worst

Nice people are great. They bring joy and love into our lives.

13 Reasons Why Nice Guys Are The Worst             

Self-proclaimed "nice guys," however, are kind of not like that at all.

Waxing Salon Ad Features The Pubic Hairs Of 11 Women

Waxing Salon Ad Features The Pubic Hairs Of 11 Women

WHY it features the pubes is oh so creepy.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Very Lucky Man

The firefighter appeared in the wrong moment and in the wrong place... He is very lucky. Everything could end very differently.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

10 Mistakes GIRLS Always Regret The Morning After

1. When you wake up from the night looking like Ke$ha

10 Mistakes GIRLS Always Regret The Morning After             

6 Suggestions For Next Season Of "American Horror Story"

1. Keep putting Jessica Lange through the ringer.

Keep putting Jessica Lange through the ringer.
Next season, Lange will "play a real glamour cat sort of lady." I have no idea what "glamour cat" means, but I'm into it. One note, though: don't go easy on her just because she had a rough time in American Horror Story: Asylum. Yes, humor is nice — I think we all enjoyed the song-and-dance diversion in "The Name Game." But Lange's been incredible at portraying Sister Jude's descent into madness. Make sure the glamour doesn't undermine the grit.
Image by Byron Cohen/FX

WTF Signs

A selection of the most hilarious WTF signs from around the world...

signs, funny, wtf, ridiculous

Friday, January 18, 2013

Best Southern food in the U.S.

Defined by an abundance of fresh seafood and produce, grain-producing marshlands and a melting pot of Spanish/French/West African culture, Southern cuisine is soul-warming comfort food at its best.

Charleston and New Orleans are at the top of my short list for food-forward destinations, cities whose mere mention conjures up the smell of crab and shrimp sautéing in a pan. But don’t stop your culinary tour there: other Southern cities are featured here, as local chefs revisit (and revive) classic Southern recipes passed through the generations.